40 over 40 - Tricia

If you look up the word strong in the dictionary, you’d see a picture of Tricia! From the first moment we connected on the phone, I knew Tricia was a force. She has an amazing attitude, taking life by the horns! She really wanted to take a moment to celebrate where she is in life right now - and I am so glad she did. Her 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience was fantastic! She started the day with pro hair and makeup followed by a studio shoot. We had a great time and her husband Aaron joined us for the last 20 minutes or so and we got some great photos of them together. He is her rock and I am so happy we could document that in photos.

The 40 over 40 Portrait Experience is uplifting and fun. It’s a day to celebrate you! When you are ready, we are here: https://www.maureenoshay.com/40-over-40


$199 Studio Special


Senior Spotlight: Abba