Team EmpowHER: Thrift Store Challenge and Photoshoot

If you have a teenage, you probably know thrifting is BACK! They love the low cost of the items and the idea of not creating more waste with perfectly good pieces of clothing.

So we decided to have a Thrift Store Team Photoshoot/Decades Challenge. The girls were divided up into 3 groups and had to shop for their respective decade. The 70s, 80s and 90s were in full effect - we shopped for about an hour and then headed to a nearby park for a fun shoot. Really enjoyed this time with the girls and know they had a fun day, too!

Group Photoshoots are not only fun but also a confidence-boosting experience. They are just one of the perks of being on Team EmpowHER. To learn more about the team visit . The interest list for the Class of 2023 is now forming!


Senior Spotlight: Kori


Spring Family Sessions